Synthetic disturbance data

This example illustrates the simulation of a near real time monitoring scenario on synthetic data. The EWMA approach instantiated from nrt.monitor.ewma import EWMA is used for monitoring and detection of the artificially generated breakpoints and the experiment is concluded by a simple accuracy assessment.

Synthetic data generation

The data module of the nrt package contains functionalities to create synthetic data with controlled parameters such as position of structural change, phenological amplitude, noise level, etc One such example can be visualized using the make_ts function, which creates a single time-series.

import random

import numpy as np
from nrt import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

dates = np.arange('2018-01-01', '2022-06-15', dtype='datetime64[W]')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, constrained_layout=True)
for row, amplitude in zip(axes, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]):
    for ax, noise in zip(row, [0.02, 0.05, 0.1]):
        break_idx = random.randint(30,100)
        ts = data.make_ts(dates=dates,
        ax.plot(dates, ts)
        ax.axvline(x=dates[break_idx], color='magenta')
        ax.set_title('Amplitude: %.1f\nsigma noise: %.2f' % (amplitude, noise),
        ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False,
Amplitude: 0.1 sigma noise: 0.02, Amplitude: 0.1 sigma noise: 0.05, Amplitude: 0.1 sigma noise: 0.10, Amplitude: 0.2 sigma noise: 0.02, Amplitude: 0.2 sigma noise: 0.05, Amplitude: 0.2 sigma noise: 0.10, Amplitude: 0.3 sigma noise: 0.02, Amplitude: 0.3 sigma noise: 0.05, Amplitude: 0.3 sigma noise: 0.10

The spatial counterpart of make_ts is make_cube and its main argument is an xarray.Dataset of simulation parameters that can be generated with the make_cube_parameters function. The data cube generated is a standard univariate xarray.DataArray with x, y and time dimensions. Each pixel in the spatial dimensions contains a time-series of simulated values with varying levels of noise, seasonality, outliers and in some cases a structural break point

params_ds = data.make_cube_parameters(shape=(50,50),
                                      break_idx_interval=(105,dates.size - 20))
# Convert break_idx to dates
print('Early breakpoint: %s' % dates[105])
print('Late breakpoint: %s' % dates[dates.size - 20])
cube = data.make_cube(dates=dates, params_ds=params_ds)
Early breakpoint: 2020-01-02
Late breakpoint: 2022-01-20
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),

In the ndvi datacube created, 50 percents of the pixels contain a break point occuring between 2020-01-02 and 2022-01-20. The break_idx variable of the params_ds Dataset informs on the presence or absence of a break point, and its position.

Simulation of an NRT monitoring scenario

For the simulating a near real time monitoring scenario, we consider all the pixels of the datacube (no mask) and define the 2018-01-01 to 2019-12-31 period as the stable history period and all subsequent dates as monitoring. We know from the time-series simulation parameters that the stable history period is indeed free of breakpoints. In a real life near real time monitoring use case, fitting and monitoring are occuring separately; we therefore need to split the datacube created in two.

After that instantiation of the EWMA class and stable history takes place. The harmonic fit parameters for each pixel is stored in the instance of the EWMA class Note that in a real life scenario, several days may pass between fitting and the next observation, or between consecutive observations. The fit parameters or ongoing monitoring variables are then usually stored to disk in a NetCDF file. See the to_netcdf() method for more details. During monitoring each new observation needs to be passed to the monitor method as a numpy array. Since we currently have these observations in an xarray DataArray structure, we need to unpack each temporal slice as an (array, date) tuple

import datetime

from nrt.monitor.ewma import EWMA

cube_history = cube.sel(time=slice('2018-01-01','2019-12-31'))
cube_monitor = cube.sel(time=slice('2020-01-01', '2022-12-31'))

# Monitoring class instantiation and fitting
monitor = EWMA(trend=False, harmonic_order=1, lambda_=0.3, sensitivity=4,

# Monitor every date of the ``cube_monitor`` DataArray
for array, date in zip(cube_monitor.values,
    monitor.monitor(array=array, date=date)

Monitoring performances evaluation

Assessing the performance of a time-series monitoring algorithm can be a complex task that depends on the specific use case and what the user wants to emphasize. A user valuing rapid detection will chose an assessment approach that puts extra weight on the temporal aspect or penalize late detections, while if timeliness is not a requirement, accuracy assessment will resemble standard spatial validation. In the present example we work with a temporal threshold for which 6 months is the default value. This approach to accuracy assessment implies that any breakpoint occuring outside of the 6 months periods after the simulated breakpoint (considered ground thruth) is considered comission error. Absence of detection during that same period would then be an omission, detections during the period are true positives, and absence of detection on stable time-series are true negatives. Note that alternative accuracy assessment approaches exist; see for instance [1] who chose to use PixelYears as their sampling units, or [2] who introduced the concept of a time weighted F1 score, hence considerating simultaneously detection speed and spatial accuracy in a single index.

def accuracy(nrtInstance, params_ds, dates, delta=180):
    """Compute accuracy metrics (precision, recall) of a nrt simulation on synthetic data

        nrtInstance: Instance of a nrt monitoring class used for monitoring
        params_ds: Time-series generation paramaters
        dates: Array of numpy.datetime64 dates used for synthetic time-series generation
        delta (int): Time delta in day after a reference break for a detected break
            to be considered True Positive.
    detection_date = nrtInstance._report(layers=['detection_date'], dtype=np.uint16)
    dates_true = np.where(params_ds.break_idx != -1,
    dates_true_bound = dates_true + np.timedelta64(delta)
    dates_pred = np.datetime64('1970-01-01') + np.timedelta64(1) * detection_date
    dates_pred[dates_pred == np.datetime64('1970-01-01')] = np.datetime64('NaT')
    # Computes arrays of TP, FP, FN (they should be mutually exclusive)
    TP = np.where(np.logical_and(dates_pred >= dates_true, dates_pred <= dates_true_bound),
                  1, 0)
    FP = np.where(np.logical_and(TP == 0, ~np.isnat(dates_pred)), 1, 0)
    FN = np.where(np.logical_and(np.isnat(dates_pred), ~np.isnat(dates_true)), 1, 0)
    precision = TP.sum() / (TP.sum() + FP.sum())
    recall = TP.sum() / (TP.sum() + FN.sum())
    return precision, recall

print(accuracy(monitor, params_ds, dates))
(0.9091597274791824, 0.9901071723000825)

White noise sensitivity analysis

To go one step further we can assess and visualize how these accuracy measures vary with the amount of noise present in the synthetic data. For that we define a new function encompassing all the steps of data generation, instantiation, fitting and monitoring

The increase in recall at low noise levels is probably due to the extreme outliers filtering feature of the EWMA monitoring process, OUtliers that exceed threshold_outlier times the standard deviation of the fit residuals are considered extreme outliers (often clouds or artifacts) in real images, and do not contribute to the monitoring process. With such low noise levels, that threshold is easily reached and breaks missed.

def make_cube_fit_and_monitor(dates, noise_level):
    params_ds = data.make_cube_parameters(shape=(20,20),
                                          sigma_noise_interval=(noise_level, noise_level),
                                          break_idx_interval=(105,dates.size - 20))
    cube = data.make_cube(dates=dates, params_ds=params_ds)
    cube_history = cube.sel(time=slice('2018-01-01','2019-12-31'))
    cube_monitor = cube.sel(time=slice('2020-01-01', '2022-12-31'))
    # Monitoring class instantiation and fitting
    monitor = EWMA(trend=False, harmonic_order=1, lambda_=0.3, sensitivity=4,
    # Monitor every date of the ``cube_monitor`` DataArray
    for array, date in zip(cube_monitor.values,
        monitor.monitor(array=array, date=date)
    return params_ds, monitor

noises = [0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.2]
prs = []
for noise in noises:
    params_ds, monitor = make_cube_fit_and_monitor(dates, noise)
    prs.append(accuracy(monitor, params_ds, dates))

precisions, recalls = zip(*prs)
plt.plot(noises, precisions, label='Precision')
plt.plot(noises, recalls, label='Recall')
plt.xlabel('Noise level')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plot simulation data
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Converting non-nanosecond precision datetime values to nanosecond precision. This behavior can eventually be relaxed in xarray, as it is an artifact from pandas which is now beginning to support non-nanosecond precision values. This warning is caused by passing non-nanosecond np.datetime64 or np.timedelta64 values to the DataArray or Variable constructor; it can be silenced by converting the values to nanosecond precision ahead of time.
  xr_cube = xr.DataArray(data=np.moveaxis(out, -1, 0),


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.131 seconds)

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